7 Tips to Create High Engagement LinkedIn Posts

If you're creating video for your YouTube channel, it's a no brainer to repurpose the video on LinkedIn, and there are ways to get more engagement from your LinkedIn posts with video.

1. Start with a punchline

Especially in corporate video, we tend to take the middle road never taking a stance that's wrong. Don't try to be diplomatic because you won't stand out and nobody will care about what you have to say. If you feel strongly about it, show it. Say something like, “Video is much better than blogs”. It won't resonate with everyone. Some people will love it and some people will hate it. And guess what? It's a win all around. You will win over some fans who like the way you think and you will engage in a great debate with those who disagree as long as you keep things civilized, of course. It's a win win for you.

2. Summarize your video

Right after your punchline, you want to quickly summarize your video. What's the gist? What are you covering? Don't overdo it and put the transcripts from your video in the post because that will be too long and there's no point in watching the video is there. But before someone invests their time to watch your video, they need to know exactly what they'll get out of it. So, give them the gist or even some bullet points.

3. The length of the video

For the length of the video target one to three minutes. Ideally, if someone sees that your video is nine minutes long, they may just shut it off because they simply don't have that much time. And if it's only a few seconds, then you can't offer any value and they'll disengage. This is actually a very common poor practice that I see where someone posts a video simply for the sake of having a video, and in the video, they ask the viewer to check out their blog.

That won't work. If they want to read your blog, you should have posted your blog and not a video. That's like clickbait and eventually they won’t engage with your videos.

4. Production value

Make sure that you have at least good enough production value. That means, first of all, don't look down on your laptop camera. Keep things near eye-level. And if you're using an iPhone by a tripod, so you're not doing the shaky camera effect. It can work for some people, but it also indicates more unprepared content. And many people don't have the time for somebody to pontificate. Avoid noisy environments. And if you want to step up your game, invest in a Lav mic, and you can easily improve the quality of your picture with an HD camera and good lighting.

5. Prepare your content

To make sure that you're offering a lot of value and your content is tight, prepare some bullet points or even entire sentences. You can read a paragraph and then talk to the camera. Read, talk and so on, and then remove the reading parts during editing.

6. Upload an SRT file

Don't forget to upload an SRT file on LinkedIn. That's a text file that you can get on the Rev.com and it contains your subtitles. That's important because the majority of users now use LinkedIn in silent mode, so they want to read subtitles before they decide to click through and open your video.

7. Engage your audience

Finally try to engage your audience. Ask them what they think, ask them to comment about your controversial topic. But make sure to ask them genuine, interesting questions and don't make it sound like too much work. Nobody goes on LinkedIn expecting an assignment. It's a break from work. It's still social media, and they want to engage and share their opinions. For those who do, I strongly recommend going through each of the comments and replying, try to be as constructive, respectful, and helpful as possible.

So, keep it professional, keep it tight and engage. Don't forget to subscribe and click the notification bell to the right so you'll know every time we post a new video.

Board Studios partners with B2B/Services businesses to execute video strategies in order to build their YouTube channel, connect with their audience on LinkedIn, and win more business - and is recognized as one of the Top Video Marketing Companies